Top tips to win this year's Glastonbury Ticket Scramble

Glastonbury tickets are like gold dust for music fans. The odds of securing a ticket when they go on sale online are already against the average festival fan but if you don't have reliable broadband, then you've got no real hope.

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Want to increase your odds of winning in the rush for tickets? You'll need good broadband

Photo of a crowd of people at Glastonbury in front of the stage

Last year, over 2.5 million people tried to get their hands on the 135,000 tickets on offer, so the Glastonbury Ticket Scramble is well-named. It's hard enough to get a ticket at the best of times, but given that they're sold online on a 'first come, first served' basis, having a slow or flaky home internet connection means that you're almost certain to miss out.

This is not a small problem. According to Ofcom's latest figures, there are over 420,000 properties in the UK without any access to what it calls a 'decent' broadband service - and by that, it only means one providing speeds of 10 Mbps. What's more, three quarters of those broadband-starved properties are homes, so those residents have no real chance of going to Glastonbury this year.

Using Ofcom data, median broadband speeds and estimated network traffic, we've produced the Glastonbury Ticket Scramble Matrix and calculated which parts of the UK have the best and worst chance this year of getting their hands on coveted Glastonbury tickets. Plus we're also giving you our top tips and tricks to boost your odds of success.

Which UK locations have the best chances of getting Glastonbury tickets?

Fast and reliable broadband is crucial to any festival fan's chances of getting Glastonbury tickets this year, The Glastonbury Ticket Scramble Matrix highlights Dalrymple in East Ayrshire as topping the list for being the best place in the UK to try and buy tickets. It is followed by Weeton-with-Preese in Lancashire and Burgh by Sands in Cumbria, all three places combining high median broadband speeds with low estimated network traffic to be the ultimate ticket buying locations.

Graphic showing the top 10 best UK locations for purchasing Glastonbury tickets

And where is there no real hope at all of getting into Glastonbury?

At the other end of the spectrum is Ringway in Greater Manchester, with its median broadband speeds of just 4.69 Mbps and high estimated network traffic seeing it fall to the bottom of the Glastonbury Ticket Scramble Matrix. Ringway is followed by Argyll and Bute in Scotland and Corsley in South West Wiltshire as the worst towns and villages in the UK for nabbing a ticket. However there are well over 400,000 properties scattered all across the UK that are in the same internet doldrums or worse, as according to Ofcom, they too are unable to get broadband speeds of 10 Mbps.

And it's not just getting Glastonbury tickets that those with poor broadband speeds are locked out of. They also can't access other vital online resources such as banking and retail, won't be able to work effectively from home, will find it difficult to contact friends and loved ones and streamed TV will be an impossibility. This digital divide has a massive and ever-increasing impact on people's lives and so it must not go on unaddressed any longer.

Graphic showing the top 10 worst UK locations for purchasing Glastonbury tickets

Which regions are more likely to succeed in the Glastonbury ticket lottery?

Unsurprisingly, London comes out top of our UK regional Glastonbury Ticket Scramble Matrix. Its high median broadband speeds combined with the small number of properties having no access to decent broadband sees it beat Northern Ireland and the North East into second and third place respectively.

However, the Scots are out of luck when it comes to their chances of getting Glastonbury tickets this year, coming bottom of the matrix with well over 60,000 homes unable to access decent broadband speeds. They're followed by Wales and the South West, which is particularly ironic, since this is the region where the festival is held.

Graphic showing the regions in the UK that have the best chance of purchasing Glastonbury tickets

Why are there such significant regional disparities you may ask? Well, as our recent analysis highlighted, Government funding is not being directed towards those most in need. 50% of those properties with the worst current broadband speeds are yet to any receive funding from Project Gigabit, the Government's flagship broadband policy, with areas such as the South West and Scotland getting either little or no Government funding towards improving connectivity.

Where do you rank in the Glastonbury Ticket Scramble?

Just start by selecting your region from the dropdown menu to find out

Photo of a crowd of people at Glastonbury in front of the stage

Top tips. How to improve your chances of getting your hands on Glastonbury tickets

In 2022, tickets for Glastonbury sold out in just 62 minutes, with over 2,100 tickets being sold every single minute. So literally every second counts and making sure that your broadband set-up is optimised is vital for success.

The first thing to do is to check your current internet connection's performance with our broadband speed test, so you know what you've got to work with. Then have a long hard think about the following:

Where is your router? It should definitely be in an open space to ensure that WiFi signal coverage is as strong as possible. Also make sure you're physically as close to your router as possible when trying to order tickets online.

Is your broadband being bogged down by network traffic? Ensure you're the only person in your household using your internet connection whenever trying to order tickets, because that will reduce loading and boost your broadband's performance.

Take a look at our other tips and tricks to improve slow broadband speeds and give you the best chance of getting Glastonbury tickets.

But if you've done all that and your broadband still isn't performing well enough to boost your chances of success for when tickets go on sale, check out how we're able to identify and then deliver the best broadband in your area.

Or to get straight to the point, we offer the best 4G broadband packages (and that also includes for more problematic rural areas where mobile coverage is weaker) and for towns and cities, the best 5G broadband services.

Our research methodology

Data on the median broadband speed of individual locations was sourced from the Fair Internet Report and data showing the number of homes in each region unable to access usable broadband of 10 Mbps or more was sourced from Ofcom.

To estimate network traffic on the Glastonbury sale date, we used the latest census data for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to find the percentage of 25-34 year olds (the most likely demographic to attend festivals according to Ticketmaster) living in each location or region.

The Glastonbury Ticket Scramble Score is ranked out of 100 and combines these data sets. The village, town or region that is most likely to get Glastonbury tickets across these two factors is awarded a score of 100, with all other locations awarded a relative score to the most likely location.

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